And so the Marathon begins…

I have registered for the Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2010 and successfully begun training today.

I trained with my Jai Hind friend Mohit Saxena and we jogged close to 1.5 KM today and walked 1.5 KM. So on the first day, we have reached half the dream run ๐Ÿ˜›

Hopefully I will be able to reach somewhere with this. I have to keep this up and convert this into a more complete and longer run. Also, have to take care of my diet to build up the stamina I will need from now on!

Too much to take care of while doing an MBA! Any suggestions and tips?

2 thoughts on “And so the Marathon begins…

  1. Kareena says:

    Whoa ๐Ÿ™‚ I knew you wanted to do this for a while…just the two of you? no one else in this?And what else is gonna go in the preps?luck luck A ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Aviraj Saluja says:

    Yes tips. Don’t do the run.Wow, I sound evil. So then, don’t do the MBA. Okay now I just sound like a double-standard bitch.Uhh, don’t do either?

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